Enum handling can be a tricky issue. In applications, enum constants are great for avoiding hard-coding, but how do you handle enums during API transmission and serialization/deserialization at the database layer?

The complexity increases further if list support is added. Enums have two default identifiers: name and ordinal.

  1. name(string): Returns the name of this enum constant, exactly as declared in its enum declaration.
  2. ordinal(int): The position of this enumeration constant in the enum declaration, where the initial constant is assigned an ordinal of zero.

While ordinal seems to be a very efficient way to pass and store information, it can be compromised during the evolution of the enum and is harder to understand and read.

Given this, the Hope framework, drawing on extensive engineering practices, has found a fairly moderate solution to the problem of handling the Enum data type:

Two interfaces:

  1. Network Transmission: At the API level (automatically handled by Spring).
  2. Serialization Layer: Database (read/write).

Two formats:

  1. Single
  2. Multiple (List)


  1. Intuitive and simple.
  2. Low learning curve.


Since 1.1.5-RELEASE, only two configuration methods remain, see also jakarta.persistence.EnumType:

  1. STRING: Default hope.common.enumeration.Enumeration#title(), delegates to java.lang.Enum#name().
  2. CODE: hope.common.enumeration.Enumeration#code() does not use ordinal (no longer used within the Hope framework to avoid explanation and cognitive costs).
enum EnumType {
  //Default as STRING
  // Persist `hope.common.enumeration.Enumeration#title()` usually this will delegate to the `java.lang.Enum#name()`
  STRING = 0;
  // Persist `hope.common.enumeration.Enumeration#code()`
  CODE = 1;


Entity definition:

  1. status_list: List of OrderStatusEnum, example with CODE: 100001,10002.
  2. status: Single OrderStatusEnum, example with TITLE: PLACED.
repeated OrderStatusEnum status_list = 3 [(hope.persistence.column) = {
    name: "STATUS_LIST",
    type: VARCHAR,
      value: 64
    enum_type: CODE

OrderStatusEnum status = 4 [(hope.persistence.column) = {
    name: "status",
    type: VARCHAR,
      value: 64
    enum_type: STRING


Generation mainly involves Spring JDBC reader/writer (OLAP), Mybatis Reader/Query (OLTP);

Hope OLTP is based on Spring Data JDBC (not JPA/Hibernate/Mybatis)!

OLAP is based on Mybatis Query DSL, used for statistics and queries, not recommended for write operations!

Class NameFunctionIncluded ClassesNotes
*domain.bootstrap.converter.{Domain}ConverterSpring data convertOrderStatus(CodeListReaderConverter, CodeListWriterConverter, Title)Injected during Spring JDBC initialization
*domain.bootstrap.mybatis.type.*TypeHandleriBatis type TypeHandlerOrderStatus(CodeListTypeHandler, TitleListTypeHandler, Title)Batis Column Converter

The Hope framework will:

  1. During JDBC configuration, introduce extended Converters via JdbcCustomConversions.
  2. During Mybatis configuration: Define org.mybatis.dynamic.sql.SqlColumn with TypeHandler and parameter ParameterTypeConverter.