
[1.1.8-RELEASE] - 2025-03-10

[1.1.6-RELEASE] - 2025-03-04

  1. Optimize the process of the Enum in Hope 如何处理Enum
  2. Bug fix

[1.1.2-RELEASE] - 2025-01-13

  1. Cache configuration optimize
  2. Bug fix

[1.1.1-RELEASE] - 2024-12-10

  1. Disable the hope security explicitly
  2. keep source code with delivery
  3. Bug fix

[1.1.0-RELEASE] - 2024-12-01

  1. Entity BigDecimal handle logic
  2. default Kola enable
  3. Bug fix

[1.0.9-RELEASE] - 2024-02-30

  1. fix AuditContextSupplier generated independently instead with domain entity logic
  2. Bug fix

[1.0.7-RELEASE] - 2024-02-28

  1. api lint 设计
  2. api lint 优化
  3. Bug fix

[1.0.0-RELEASE] - 2024-08-02

  1. 采用 DSL 风格的 BDD 定义方式,遵循面向消费者的测试 - 契约测试原则
  2. wire proto 过程中引入了新的 kolaTest 任务
  3. 无缝集成所有现有的测试解决方案(JUnit5、AssertJ 等)

[0.9.9-RELEASE] - 2024-05-08

  1. move cn_message - > message2
  2. ProjectPersistence#Upper: UPPER_FIRST -> CAPITALIZE

[0.9.7-RELEASE] - 2024-05-06

  1. Persistent context support:
  2. Format
  3. DEFAULT: as old framework, convert to SNAKE style
  4. CAMEL: myVariableName
  5. SNAKE: my_variable_name
  6. Upper
  7. DEFAULT:as old framework, convert to UPPER style
  8. UPPER: name -> NAME
  9. LOWER: NAME -> name
  10. UPPER_FIRST: userName -> UserName
  11. Exception: if you set column name manually in the proto already, this will always be the highest priority!
  12. hope.common.persistence.plugin.NameMappingStrategy client plugin to rename the column name.


  "persistence": {
    "identifyType": "LONG",
    "tenantType": "LONG",
    "format": "CAMEL",
    "upper": "UPPER"

[0.9.1-RELEASE] - 2024-04-25


  • Add security empty wrapper which can skip no context set up issue
  • Bug in view Mybatis join generator

[0.9.0-RELEASE] - 2024-04-24


  • Bug in View generator
  • experiment Stub function: generator the mybatis DSL for the view stub -DenableExperiment=true to enable it!

[0.8.8-RELEASE] - 2024-04-14


  • Support constant for: errors, dictionaries,authorities
    • /hope/meta/errors
    • /hope/meta/dictionaries
    • /hope/meta/authorities

English | 简体中文

[0.8.5-RELEASE] - 2024-04-14


  • Sort EnumWriter, PojoWriter, ServiceWriter to avoid code conflict for merger for ApiCollector

[0.8.3-RELEASE] - 2024-04-14


  • Add sort of getConvertersToRegister & basePackages & Database avoid code chaos during merger!

[0.8.0-RELEASE] - 2024-04-13


  • Java parser not support 17 syntax

[0.7.8-RELEASE] - 2024-04-12

English | 简体中文


  • Move the Repository maintain way to Trait separated location, make code clean;
  • lite as default model for the stub side, make it more swift

[0.7.5-RELEASE] - 2024-04-10


  • Tiny adjust of the SecurityCustomizer code template make the comment style perfect
  • Enhance JWTFilter make it support customized jwt pick for example from header or cookies etc.
  • Service implement right package judgement

[0.7.4-RELEASE] - 2024-03-12


  • Tiny code template change: Combinator must has both authorities and roles, feign configuration comments

[0.7.3-RELEASE] - 2024-03-15


  • fix feign stub issue, code break

[0.7.0-RELEASE] - 2024-03-15


  • introduce lite model to make the stub task easier

[0.6.9-RELEASE] - 2024-03-13


  • add script definition

[0.6.5-RELEASE] - 2024-03-08


  • not blank & empty, consider as required implicitly
  • read_only support
  • OAS sort as alphabetically descending

[0.6.3-RELEASE] - 2024-03-01


  • Empty Stub module can stub
  • extract the runtime swagger to cache with name patter: final String name = groupId + "_" + artifactId + ".json"; avoid possible conflict

[0.6.1-RELEASE] - 2024-02-29


  • fix defaultValue = 1 of the @Schema annotation to defaultValue = "1"

[0.6.0-RELEASE] - 2024-02-25


  • google.protobuf.BoolValue -> hope.mock.BoolRule, less code, more straightforward.
  • message field deprecated flag picker logic
  • bug fix

[0.5.7-RELEASE] - 2024-02-22


  • authorization_struct —> RBAC make it more user friendly: RBAC rbac = 2;
  • support google.protobuf.BoolValue blank = 49; for the String specific field
    • empty vs blank, blank more for the string field, string field may not empty, but may be blank, as it include no qualify character, like space, tab, etc.